What the DYAA, Little League Tell Us About Dilley’s Council Members…

When the Dilley Youth Athletic Association visits Dilley’s city council meeting this Wednesday, renewing their playing field agreement will likely be a painless, routine affair. But it wasn’t always that way. In fact, little league and sports agenda items have led to some of Dilley’s most explosive exchanges in recent years, such as these two agenda items from June 14, 2016:

4 minutes. Dilley city council debates rental rates for city parks, June 14, 2016.

With the election approaching, there is much for voters to glean from this rare moment of dissent among Dilley’s old guard council members. It tells us how the incumbents view the local government’s role in community groups and events, to what degree they believe these groups should be supported with time and resources by the city, and how are rules made and applied equitably.

Furthermore, when these complicated issues arise before city council, how are the debates handled by officeholders?

It’s a clear illustration of how individual governing philosophies of city council members can affect Dilley residents.

Dilley City Council Election Day Is In...

The list of Dilley city council candidates is available here.

written by Jose Asuncion. 
Jose received an MFA from University of Southern California in 2008, a BA from the University of Illinois at Chicago in 2003, and currently lives in Dilley, TX, home of his grandparents.